Angora Frog Farm Bridge Project – Knoxville, TN
Legacy Parks Foundation hired Bob's Trails, Trees and Gardens to construct a 20-foot long and 5-foot wide wood trail bridge across a defined channel stream on the Angora Frog Farm (AFF). This stream is a tributary to Beaver Creek and will be a feature/stopping point on the AFF trail.
The bridge is built on 6-inch thick concrete footings and has a 12-foot clear span with the wood structure elevated 4 inches above ground level. The bridge substructure is constructed with pressure treated double-board beams set on 15" centers, and the bridge has a composite wood decking material.
Gravel surface ramps were built on both ends of the bridge to make it accessible for strollers and other adaptive devices. This will be a gravel surfaced adaptive trail which is intergenerational and family friendly.
The trail will have storybook panels and 12 stations with playground equipment stationed along the route of the trail.
Check out the Legacy Park Foundation website to see when the Angora Frog Farm will be opening.